Custom Design

Sandiego's car stereo installation leader since 1991

LED Headlights Are Good for You and the Environment

LED headlights are a beautiful addition to any vehicle. However, there are more benefits than just aesthetic appeal. Here are some of the advantages of LED headlamps over other options for both you and the environment. Good for You One of the primary ways that switching to LED headlights is of benefit to the driver is that they offer additional

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Planning a Modern Upgrade for Your Car Stereo and Video System

Whether you need to upgrade the entertainment system in your car, truck, SUV, boat, ATV, or another vehicle, then you want to do it the right way. This will allow you to optimize the improvements without spending a fortune. Consider the following tips. Hire a professional – Having it done right the first time is always going to cost you

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Shopping for Your New Car Stereo System Speakers

The fastest way to upgrade your car stereo system is to replace those boring old factory speakers with new ones. How can you get the sound you are looking for at the best price? Here are a few shopping tips: Choose speakers with the right frequency response – Wattage isn’t everything in the world of speakers. You also need to

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Eco and Safety Benefits of Headlamp LEDs

Besides the aesthetic appeal of swapping your existing headlamps for LEDs, there are also environmental and safety benefits. Here are some of the convincing reasons to make the switch. Ecological Benefits of LED Headlights There are many ways in which LED bulbs are better for the environment than other headlight types. For example, LEDs do not consume as much energy

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Upgrading Your Car to Keep Up with Technology Use

Modern technology makes it easier than ever to enjoy music or movies on the go. Of course, video entertainment should only be for passengers, but if you often have other people in your car, then you probably want to provide these conveniences for them – particularly on a road trip. Here are a few modern upgrades to consider: Adding a

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