car entertainment system

Sandiego's car stereo installation leader since 1991

Update Your Car to Meet Your Modern Technology Needs

Modern cars are more electronic than ever, and while that means repair costs have skyrocketed, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the interior features of your vehicle have kept up with the times. Here are some upgrades you may need to consider for your vehicle to ensure it meets the standards that modern drivers and passengers expect. Inputs for audio and

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3 Things to Add to Your Fleet of Car Service Vehicles

If you operate a car service, there are certain forms of technology that need to be built-in to your entire fleet of vehicles. These technologies will improve client experience and help keep your drivers and passengers safer on the roads. Here are three amenities and technologies that your passengers expect. #1 In-Dash GPS This may seem silly in a modern

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Car Audio and Video Systems: True or False Quiz

How much do you know about car audio systems? Our quick quiz will help to confirm some truths and dispel some myths that surround car audio and video systems. See how many you already know the answer to. LED Screens Are Better for Car Entertainment Systems than LCD Screens True. First of all, LEDs use a lot less power, so

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4 Things Your Luxury Party Bus Must Have

If customers are going to be paying luxury party bus rates, they will expect luxury party bus amenities. Here are four things that your party bus absolutely must have to keep patrons happy. The Big Screen – There should be a massive screen that is visible to the entire cabin. This gives the partiers the opportunity to have a shared

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5 Things You Need to Have in Your Car if Your Drive for Uber or Lyft

If you drive for Uber or Lyft, you can provide better satisfaction for your customers by adding a few simple things to your vehicle. Here are 5 things that your riders will really appreciate having access to. An auxiliary cord – Passengers love to be able to play their own music. Easy access to plugging in a smartphone is a

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